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Kristin E. Andersen's Word Studio

A repository of stories, a book or two, some videos, pictures and what have you by a writer who just can't keep her ideas to herself.

Own Your Own Clutterbuck in Paperback or Electrons

No matter how you like it -- in good old fashioned, read-everywhere paperback or made of bits and bytes (saving said paper for future generations) -- "Mr. Clutterbuck and a Matter of Time" can be yours!


To read an excerpt, click here.


Or, pick your retailer and click on a link below, fork over some dough, digitally speaking, and, well, go. I say this not just because it rhymes but because it really is that easy in this Internet age.


But wait, there's more!


I would love it if you'd review my book online. Of course, I hope it's a good review. See this $20 bill I'm waving? Not. But any way you slice it, your reviews will help my book get noticed by people other than my long-suffering friends whom I am forced to bombard with annoying pleas like these. If you review, I won't stew and neither will you!


So, when you order a copy, or even if you've already bought a copy, go to your site of choice, click wherever it says "write a review" or "review this book" and tell other readers why they should join the 10s of people who've added this tome to their home library. Thanks!


Real Live Book:



Electronic Version:


By the way, even if you don't own a Kindle, you can still get a copy of my book on Amazon and read it by downloading Kindle for My PC. I've done it and it works great.



Yes, my ebook is on the iBookstore site as well. Isn't that iNcredible?!



For you devoted Nook users and iPad users who use the Nook Bookstore for your device, this is your one-stop shop for all things "Mr. Clutterbuck."



This is the Baker and Taylor eReader site. B&T takes me back to my Tattered Cover days when this was one of two book distributors we ordered from. Now, they've got their own eReader program called Blio. My book is available in ePub, Blio, Digital Download and even something called "text to speech."



According to the website, works for most eReader devices, including Nook, iPad and Sony.



Tell your friends in Asia, this is where they can get my book -- from this major ebook retailer in Malaysia. Okay, it's happened. I've gone global!



If you're a Tattered Cover patron, this is the ebook site they use. Available eReader formats include Adobe, DRM and ePub, which is computerspeak for "works on lots of devices." DRM works for Nook, for instance.



You get to read a preview on this service before purchasing. The site bills itself as the world's largest online library. Sounds like the file format is PDF, so it would likely be readable from your computer.



This site makes it possible to read ebooks using its Copia Reader on any PC, Mac, Android or iPad device.


All materials on this website, written or otherwise, copyright (c) Kristin E. Andersen. Please ask permission to reproduce.